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Netzsch/DXP partnership improves oil/water delivery system


When a well in an oilfield is first opened, generally there is plenty of existing pressure and volume for oil, gas and water to reach the surface. Over time, however, that initial boost reduces and artificial lift methods must be applied to literally push those resources to the surface. The most often used artificial lift methods include progressing cavity pumps (PCP), rod lift, plunger lift, gas lift, hydraulic lift, and electric submersible pumps (ESP). Each has particular strengths for specific applications.

Conventional pumping methods

Netzsch Pumps USA, in partnership with DXP, began a discussion with a Midwest oil producer that employed the gas lift method. The producer had just constructed a multi-pad well site having designed in the gas lift artificial lift method.

In this system, high pressure gas is injected into the well bore, which forces the fluids to the surface. Each well then feeds the gas and fluids to a dedicated two phase, horizontal separator, which divides a major portion of the gas from the well fluids. The gas is then directed back into the compressor to be re-injected into the well bore.

The liquids and residual gas (not separated in the initial phase) are sent to a vertical, two phase separator for additional processing. The residual gas rises to the top of the separator and is fed back to the compressor. The fluids consisting of oil, water and some solids are then forced into the pumping system to be transported through pipelines to a central processing facility (CPF) where the oil is now separated from the water. The CPF is approximately 15 miles from the well site.

Unreliability of conventional technology

To date, the most common method to move the fluids to the CPF has been the use of centrifugal pumps. However, in this case several issues are encountered when using centrifugal technology:

  • Inability to handle the varying suction and discharge pressures and maintain consistent flow rates.
  • Inability to handle the viscosity fluctuations and maintain consistent flow rates.
  • Inability to handle solids that may be present in the fluids without extreme wear.

Centrifugal pumps are unable to maintain constant flows when suction pressures vary. This is also the case when discharge pressures fluctuate. In order to provide consistent flow rates, control valves and other instrumentation must be used to insure the centrifugal pump is operating at its best efficiency point (BEP). If not, the flows drop off substantially reducing production.

Viscosity fluctuations are challenging for centrifugal pumps because flow output is affected. For instance, as viscosity increases the flow rate of a centrifugal pump will begin to rapidly decrease, and production rates are reduced.

The high speed impeller rotation of centrifugal pumps cannot handle solids or abrasives without accelerated wear. Because of the high speeds (3,600 RPM) solids and abrasives can cause rapid wear of the impellers, resulting in reduced production and high maintenance costs.

Nemo PC pumps address issues

Netzsch Nemo PC pumps can manage fluctuations in suction and discharge pressures while maintaining a consistent flow rate. Variations in viscosity of the pumped fluid do not affect the flow rates, allowing production to continue at the highest levels required.

Pump speeds are controlled by VFDs to meet production flow rates. PC pumps can meet the pressure demands over the wide speed range.

Netzsch Nemo PC pumps can handle solids and abrasives that could be present in the fluid with very little wear. This is because there is low internal leakage (slip) inside the pumping elements which is the result of the properly sized compression fit between the rotor and stator.

To meet the application conditions provided by the producer (7,500 bpd/51 m3/h per pump, up to 250 psi/1.7 bar suction pressures, differential pressure of 500 psi/3.4 bar) Netzsch engineers selected the Nemo pump model NM076SY. Since a total capacity of up to 30,000 bpd/204 m3/h was required from the three wells, Netzsch recommended the use of four pumps.

The Netzsch Nemo pump was supplied with SAE 316SS materials and a Nemolast S459/S91 stator.

One of the things that sets Netzsch apart from other progressing cavity pump manufacturers is the ability to offer many different universe joint options to meet demanding pumping applications. In this case, Netzsch engineers recommended the Z type joint. The Z double seal pivot joint is used when flows and pressures are high and when torque and axial loads are at their highest. This joint is oil-filled and hermetically sealed with two independent seals that are resistant and compatible to both the lubricant and the pumped fluid. It is designed for continuous, heavy duty operation under the highest loads.

The joint also has a special design with a balanced seal. The balanced seal is referred to as an equalizer. The equalizer is a sliding piston that sits in the tube coupling rod and applies pressure on the lubrication oil at the same rate the seal is pressurized from the outside. This balanced seal design is able the handle suction pressures up to 1,000 psi/69 bar.

Netzsch, in partnership with DXP, supplied a complete, heavy duty I-beam skid, consisting of the pump, motor, gearbox, pressure gauges and sensors, and valves. All four pumps were installed and anchored in for smooth operation.

Engineers from DXP and Netzsch were present to ensure a smooth start-up and they have been in daily operation since.

Netzsch says that the producer has been very satisfied with the performance of the Netzsch pumps and the service and support of the Netzsch/DXP partnership. More units have been purchased and Netzsch pumps are being planned on future well sites to transport the produced water/oil mixture to central processing facilities.

Blend welds like a master with Superflex

Welding, an art that has been around for centuries, has come a long way since its invention. From the early days of blacksmiths hammering metal together to modern-day welding machines, it’s evident how technology has revolutionized this craft. But what about blending welds?

The Superflex abrasive range from Grinding Techniques is a versatile and affordable solution for all your welding needs. It offers a wide variety of products that include an extensive range for surface preparations that will turn anyone into an expert.

Welding is a joining process that permanently fuses materials together. A welder uses heat and pressure to join two pieces of metal or other materials together. The finished weld is known as a weldment or seam, leading onto the next process – achieving a seamless finish with our range of surface preparation abrasive products.

Blending welds is the action of combining two metal pieces together through welding and the grinding down of the weld to produce no visible seam.

Before welding can commence, the workpiece needs to be cleansed of any rust or mill scale that has formed.  The requirement for this application is ideally suited to the Superflex rough cleaning, or non-woven flap disc.  Once the cleaning process is completed you can determine the type of weld that is required.

There are many different welding processes, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The type of welding process that is best for a particular application depends on the materials to be joined, the thickness of the materials, the desired strength of the weld, the speed of the process, and the cost. Some common welding processes include MIG welding, also known as Gas Metal Arc Welding and TIG welding, known as Tungsten Inert Gas Welding. Where MIG welding is known to be a low cost yet highly productive method of welding, and mostly used on common metals like Carbon Steel and Alloys, TIG welding is a more precise form of welding and requires a bit more skill, as it results in a neater and smaller weld.

Carbon steel is almost always painted after welding, where Stainless steel usually requires a polished finish. If working on Carbon steel, not all welds need to be removed, as the seam will not always be visible. Stainless steel, like elevator panels, or handrails on the other hand requires a highly refined finish to disguise scratches.

When preparing to blend a weld, it is important to ensure that you are working with a clean, good weld, free from air bubbles or porosity. There should also be no undercut for example, edges that don’t intrude or fold into the surface of the material.

The Superflex range consists of different product options when it comes to blending weld applications. Removing the weld can quickly be accomplished with our Superflex AS30R Professional grinding disc for ease of application and minimal fuss.  We recommend, a criss-cross motion to knock down the high spots when grinding, as you will remove stock quicker and easier without damaging the workpiece around the weld.

It is important to refrain from too much pressure when using a grinding disc, as you wouldn’t want to grind into the weld causing damage that could potentially weaken the weld leading to it needing to be re-worked. In some cases, a used grinding disc might offer the perfect solution, as it will be less aggressive on application. It is important to note that the final required blend will require further rework with a finer grit abrasive product after grinding.

If opting to use only one product, the Industrial and Professional range of Superflex Flap Discs with a multitude of application possibilities on various material, is ideal to remove both the weld and produce the final blend.

As a third option to blend welds, Superflex Fibre Discs can be used. A P80 grit used at a really low grinding angle of about 45 degrees, will blend the weld perfectly. Once satisfied with the finish, you can use a finer grit fibre disc, we recommend either P120 or P150, to remove the scratch marks further. Take care not to use excessive pressure during this application.

The surface is now ready for painting, perfectly prepared using the Superflex range of surface preparation products, however if a mirror finish is required, we recommend using a Superflex Non-woven Medium Flap disc followed by a Superflex Non-woven Fine Flap disc.

Whatever your requirement when it comes to abrasive products, we have you covered.

Contact us today for a bespoke solution to all your application needs.

+27 11 271 6400 | |

Valves in the pulp and paper Industry

Valve supplier Bilfinger Intervalve Africa (BIA), investigated the steam system of a paper mill to allow for possible improvements that can be made. Top performers in the paper and pulp industry are constantly striving to increase productivity and quality while minimising costs. The main aspects that need to be addressed in achieving operational excellence are a reduction in energy costs, chemical use, production downtime and process variability.

“The correct selection, monitoring and servicing of control valves can result in financial rewards for clients,” he points out.

Underhill mentions that the functions of control valves in the paper and pulp industry are extremely diverse. They range from the required accuracy of the dosing valves, and the tight control and fast-acting requirements of the basis weight valve to the severe service requirements of the power and steam system such as the control of cavitation and noise.

Careful consideration should be given to the selection of a control valve, as the specific function which it needs to fulfil in sizing and style has to be considered, he states.

Underhill explains that the process of selecting the correct size, style and characteristics of a valve is paramount in the initial stages of a project. Incorrect sizing of the control valve could result in the valve not operating in a good control range, leading to the possibility of excessive wear and loss of controllability.

Certain valves have been specifically designed to operate in different applications – incorrect selection can lead to cavitation or flashing damage, excessive plant noise and poor control in areas such as basis weight, affecting paper quality. Valves used in incorrect applications can lead to undesirable process variability.

Control valve assembly consists of three prime components – the valve body, actuator and positioning. These components need to work in harmony with one another to fulfil the client’s control requirements. Poor performance of any of these components can lead to poor control of the process, leading to unacceptable process variability that can seriously affect the user’s bottom line, he explains.

The advent of the smart positioners on control valves, as well as emergency shutdown valves, have resulted in many benefits for the client, Underhill notes. The Fisher DVC2000 and DVC6200 series digital valve controllers add accuracy of the valve position along with valve diagnostic capabilities that will determine the health of the valve.

Using the downloaded information from the device, either from advanced diagnostics or the online performance diagnostics, allows for maintenance programmes to be adjusted to cater for the more problematic valves. This will avoid the removal and stripping of valves that are in good health, which is costly and time consuming, he explains.

Overlaying downloads obtained from valves over time will assist the client in moving to predictive maintenance and reducing expensive stock holding of spares.

In conjunction with control valves, it is important to be aware that good-quality, hand-operated or automated isolation valves should be used in certain applications to protect the control valve, Underhill says.

“Bilfinger Intervalve Africa has a wide range of quality products to fill this role,” he concludes.

Vesconite supplies 5000-unit blanket order

Vesconite Bearings is supplying a Georgia-based vertical-turbine pump manufacturer with a 5000-unit blanket wear-rings order, allowing the manufacturer to request low-friction Vesconite Hilube polymer wear rings for 10 of its vertical-turbine-pump models.

The company ordered its first Vesconite Hilube wear rings in 2015 and, after testing, started ordering larger quantities from 2017. In March 2019, Vesconite visited the pump manufacturer and finalised fixed volume requirements and pricing for the blanket order. The company supplies the central and south-eastern USA with pumps for the municipal, industrial, fire and flood-control industries.

The order covers a one-year period and allows the company to regularly draw on the 5000-unit blanket wear rings order. Vesconite Bearings technical sales representative, Charlie Simpson, said: “The company sees the value of using the product and has switched all of its wear rings to Vesconite Hilube ones in all of its own-brand vertical-turbine pumps.”

Vesconite Hilube wear rings allow for extremely close clearances to ensure greater pump efficiencies and are designed for use with mildly acidic or basic liquids.

SCHROEDAHL announces self-modulating TDL ARVs

SCHROEDAHL, a CIRCOR International brand has announced that new, self-modulating TDL Automatic Recirculation Valves (ARVs) are now available in cast material that is more than 35% lighter.

The all-in-one pump protection solutions are designed to keep pumping systems running smoothly in firefighting, refinery, power and chemical applications without cavitation or overheating.

Unlike control valve packages, the self-operated flow-sensitive Schroedahl TDL Automatic Recirculation Valves operate without a separate power supply or any control system and begin protection as soon as they are installed.

The valves combine a high-quality main line check valve and the automatic bypass control system in a new, durable design. The valves’ self-actuated integrated bypass control function ensures minimum flow rate, guarding pumps against overheating and cavitation. The systems provide high pump stability with less vibration and fewer coupling or gear problems. TDL ARVs’ modulation bypass function also offers savings for operators with reduced energy consumption for frequent partial load operation.

Additionally, the bypass check valve prevents reverse pump flow, and allows for parallel pump installations.

The truth about the imminent copper supply crisis

The chief geoscientist with leading global mining-tech company IMDEX has issued a clarion call to the mining sector to restore its damaged image and shake off its risk-averse approach as he warned there was widespread ignorance of the scale of the imminent copper supply crisis.

Dr Dave Lawie, Chief Geoscientist and Chief Technologist – Mining Solutions with IMDEX, in an address to geoscience students for the University of British Columbia’s Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Department, said the mining sector needed to effectively communicate its role in finding the metals and minerals, including copper, needed in a low-carbon future to address the copper supply crisis. Failure to do so risked the future of decarbonisation and accelerated electrification.

“I have a saying for our industry at the moment. It can’t read the label from inside the bottle. On the outside of the bottle it says, ‘save the world’, but we can’t read the label,” Dr Lawie said.

Finding enough copper to meet future copper supply crisis was a problem “that needs the best minds on the planet to think through.

“That’s the challenge for all of us. Living in a world where we need to talk to people about what the mining industry and geoscience need to do to address the copper supply crisis and save the world is very difficult when I read a survey that says kids think milk comes from a supermarket.

“So, if they think that, try asking them where the copper comes from for their iPhone. “They won’t know; they just won’t have thought of that as a concept. But that’s not their problem. That is our problem.

“We are an incredibly bad industry at communicating with the general public about the copper supply crisis. Terrible, abysmal.”

In a wide-ranging presentation, Dr Lawie compared the likely future demand/supply scenarios for critical minerals to meet net-zero emission targets to those for copper.

“Solar and wind would have to grow 20 to 30 times to deliver the amount of electrification the US needs to decarbonise by 2050 or go carbon neutral by 2050. When I see that I think where is the copper going to come from?” Dr Lawie said.

“To supply the demand for electrify electric vehicles by 2040 we’ll need 42 times the amount of lithium, 25 times more graphite, 21 times more cobalt, 11 times more nickel and seven times more rare earths than we are producing now.

“Now I only find that mildly disturbing because when I look at those commodities I think: Lithium no one’s looked for seriously – ever – and in fact we can find new lithium. Lithium mines we can bring into production. We’re actually finding lots of lithium hard rock deposits at the surface in Australia.

“Australia has increased its hard rock lithium production immensely in just a matter of two or three years. We can respond; it doesn’t worry me at all. Same with graphite. We haven’t really seriously looked for graphite. We’ll fix that. Cobalt is an issue, particularly with mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but we can we find 20 times more cobalt, not a problem geologically.

“There are cobaltian pyrite deposits sitting at the surface all through the Curnamona Block in Australia. Increasingly, cobalt is being recovered as a byproduct of nickel laterite mining.”

Cobalt prices have declined this year amid a drop in demand, the possibility of a change in battery technology with less reliance on cobalt, and some miners increasing production.

“Lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, manganese, rare earths; don’t worry about it as a geoscientist, Dr Lawie said “Copper? Worry a lot because that is where the problem is going to come.”

He said declining copper grades meant more waste and increased use of water and power to maintain existing supply rates, but current copper mining rates were not enough to cover demand for existing uses without factoring in “the electrification of everything” in a low-carbon future.

Better data from ore body knowledge could help unlock some of the stranded copper assets worldwide that are not constrained by ESG issues. “Barrick has gone back into Reko Diq (gold and copper mine) on the border with Pakistan and Afghanistan.

That tells you something about the risk appetite and that the looming copper deficit is true. Some companies are really making the effort. That is a giant deposit. Given its geopolitical complexity, if it could be (released) it would be a big win for a copper supply of the future,” Dr Lawie said.

“In 2021, we used about 20 to 23 Mt of copper, but some projections have that demand going to 30 Mt by 2030. How on earth are we going to go from 22 Mt of copper to 30 Mt a year? “Kamoa-Kakula copper mine (in the DRC) is the largest mine that has come on line for some time and will produce half a million tonnes a year.

“We need two Kamoa’s a year for the next 10 to 15 years to supply the copper we need to decarbonise. Of those 22 Mt of copper, the four largest producers of it are Chile, Peru, Congo and China. None of those countries you would call great exemplars of democratic governance and stability.

“So, of the current supply, apart from the geological problems of securing more supply and putting it into production, the existing resources are under threat. This is a very finely balanced supply consumption equation.

“We can’t risk copper supply chain delays or our want and willingness to expand solar, and wind electricity production won’t happen.

“If you think that the industry is responding by ramping up exploration budgets massively and getting to work, it sort of is and isn’t. What we’re doing is within the realms of what our industry conventionally does in the face of these things which is not much actually because we’re still risk averse.

“Of course, the more political problems you have in a jurisdiction, the less likely you are to want to go out and spend $10 billion.

“As a reflection of our industry, about half the total global exploration expenditure still is spent on gold.

Next would be copper. The amount of exploration spending on copper is increasing, but not really anything that’s going to make a difference. “The message for my mining industry comrades is, I just wonder if our industry can actually do anything about this?”

Tanzania signs $667m of deals to develop rare earth and graphite projects


Tanzania has signed agreements worth a total of $667m with three Australian companies for the development of rare earth minerals and graphite projects, reported Reuters.

Signed with Evolution Energy Minerals, Ecograf and Peak Rare Earths, the agreements form part of Tanzania’s efforts to advance negotiations on long-delayed mining and energy projects.

Under the deals, the country will have a 16% stake in each of the jointly established companies to operate the rare earth and graphite projects, reported Reuters, citing Palamagamba Kabudi, the chairman of the Tanzanian Government’s negotiating team.

Evolution Energy Minerals has signed agreements related to the arrangements regarding the ownership and development of its Chilalo Graphite Project.

Evolution managing director Phil Hoskins said: “Completion of the agreements is a key milestone as we continue to progress towards the development of our Chilalo project.

“Financiers require certainty on the operation of the Tanzanian government’s free-carried interest and the completion of these agreements provides the certainty to support further investment from Evolution and debt and equity financiers.”

EcoGraf has signed an agreement with the Tanzanian government for the development and operation of the Epanko Graphite Project.

According to the deal, the new Duma TanzGraphite joint venture has been incorporated to develop and operate the Epanko project.

EcoGraf holds an 84% stake in Duma TanzGraphite while the government owns a 16% free-carried interest.

Peak Rare Earths has signed a binding framework agreement with the government for the development of the Ngualla Rare Earth Project.

Peak executive chair Russell Scrimshaw said: “Development of the Ngualla Project will deliver direct foreign investment of more than $320m into the Tanzanian economy, generate hundreds of direct and thousands of indirect jobs for Tanzanians and position Tanzania as one of the major rare earth producers outside of China.”



The special challenges faced by the food and pharmaceutical industries result from the wide diversity of their processes. Success depends on the consistency and continuity of the production processes – whether it be mixing, filling, evaporating or CIP and SIP cleaning. That’s why longevity and reliability are also in the focus when selecting measurement technology components. An industrial metrology specialist is now introducing new compact and simple instrument series consisting of pressure sensors and level switches that bring colour into play.


VEGA has now completed its measurement technology portfolio for hygiene-sensitive processes with 2 new compact instrument series comprising pressure sensors and level switches. The product families VEGABAR and VEGAPOINT prove that automation can be quite simple and highly efficient at the same time, without compromising on dependability, hygiene or accuracy. The new measuring instruments are perfectly tailored to standard applications that nevertheless do not tolerate compromises when it comes to quality. Their standardised  hygienic adapter system (see info box) provides flexibility and helps keep installation work and parts inventory at a reasonable level. The process fittings can be selected as needed and adapted to local requirements.


All surfaces of sensors that come into contact with the product are made of stainless steel and have optimal surface roughness values. All materials across the board are approved and tested according to FDA and EC 1935/2004. This is confirmed by independent laboratories and institutes. The design of the instruments is certified according to the European EHEDG guidelines and the North American 3-A Sanitary Standards Inc.

Vega sensors reliably withstand the complex CIP and SIP processes and ensure in every process step that all required media are continuously available in sufficient quantities.


Thanks to the all-round switching status display, all switching states can be visually discerned from any direction. The colour of the illuminated ring, which can be freely selected from over 256 colours, remains clearly visible even in daylight. The plant operator can see at a glance if the measuring process is running, if the sensor is switching or if there is a possible malfunction in the process.


There is a lot of sensor intelligence built right into the new compact series: The standard IO-Link protocol ensures universal and, at the same time, particularly simple communication. This means that the instruments have a standardised  communication platform that enables seamless data transfer and simple integration of the system. With this tool, sensors can be installed, parameterised and, if necessary, put back into operation faster and more cost-effectively. IO-Link transfers parameters automatically if an instrument has to be exchanged.


The new VEGABAR and VEGAPOINT instrument series can be easily read out and configured via Bluetooth with a smartphone or tablet. Radio technology is making processes more flexible. Wireless communication provides better accessibility. It allows parameterisation, display and diagnostics from a distance of up to 25 meters, thus saving time and avoiding dangers. Especially in environments such as clean rooms, where physical access involves a lot of effort, setup and operation become considerably easier.


VEGABAR pressure sensors with switching function are available in three versions: the compact series 10 and the series 20 and 30, each with or without a display, a switching point visualization and a large graphic display. The instruments are available with either a metallic or a ceramic measuring cell.

VEGAPOINT sensors for point level detection are also available in three versions. Two of them (10 and 20) are designed for liquids with a water content of at least 10%, the third (30) can also be used for bulk solids.

The new pressure sensors and level switches represent an important milestone for VEGA. Users not only get an entire range of level and pressure measurement technology from a single source, but also hygiene-optimised instrument designs that are extremely easy to install and a needs-based combination of reliability, flexibility and reproducibility in food and pharmaceutical processes.

Shipham Valves Launch New Range of Triple-Offset Butterfly Valves

To coincide with celebrations of Shipham Valves reaching its 225th year of operation, the business is delighted to expand its range of high-performance butterfly valves, with the launch of a new innovative range of triple-offset butterfly valves.

Several unique design features are incorporated into this range to reflect the wide range of applications they support, delivering a high-performance, robust and effective through-life isolation valve solution. As well as providing weight and space-saving benefits, the anti-rotational laminated seat design ensures no movement in service to maintain consistent sealing performance, when compared to a clamped design.

Shipham Valves’ Triple-Offset design delivers fast opening and closing quarter turn operations and employs a uniform profile around the conical sealing face to ensure effective sealing is achieved.

Three different body types available include:

  • BU04 – Wafer-Type
  • BU05 – Lug-Type
  • BU06 – Double-Flanged

Different sizes and pressure classes are available

Shipham Valves’ Triple-Offset Butterfly Valves are available in different sizes and pressure classes, depending on specific needs and are ideal for applications with high temperature, severe service and critical isolation requirements.


This new triple-offset range delivers benefits such as:

  • High performance – across a diverse range of applications
  • Valve service longevity – triple-offset design removing seat wear
  • Laminated metal seat arrangements provide zero-leakage bi-directional sealing
  • Peace of mind – multiple anti-blowout devices integrated into the product to ensure stem retention under all possible failure conditions
  • Zero leakage sealing performance – in accordance with API 598
  • Certified Firesafe design
  • Compact design – when compared to other metal seated isolation valves
  • Standard mounting interfaces enable easy actuation

Shipham Valves, Head of Engineering and Quality, Nick Gray comments “We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand-new range of Triple-Offset Butterfly Valves. This new range has undergone a comprehensive product design, development verification and validation process to deliver a high-performing, effective and robust triple-offset butterfly valve solution meeting all the requirements of an API 609 Cat. B product. 

Nick continues “For total reassurance, our triple-offset range design is fire-safe certified in accordance with API 607, which provides fire test criteria for quarter-turn valves with non-metallic seating, when the valves are exposed to certain fire conditions and pressure”.

Sizes and specialist materials of construction

This range can be manufactured in sizes from 3″ – 24″ in a wide range of specialist materials, including 6Mo, Bronze, Duplex, Hastelloy® B, Hastelloy® C, Inconel® 625, Inconel® 825, Monel®, Nickel Aluminium Bronze, Super Duplex, Titanium, with the option of manufacturing additional sizes.

For further information, contact: 

Tel No: 01482 323163

Unlocking the potential of springs

Selecting the right material for ultimate performance in spring seals, valves and actuators in diverse and chemical environments.

Achieving optimal performance, longevity, and reliability in seals, valves, and actuators is of paramount importance. By choosing the right materials based on specific chemical, temperature, and mechanical conditions, springs can withstand harsh environments, resist corrosion, and maintain their strength and functionality. This not only results in reduced maintenance costs and downtime but also enhances the overall efficiency and safety of the systems in which the springs are used.

So, how can you ensure that you’re using the right material for your environment? Graham Fowler, Technical Manager at Clifford Springs, gave some expert insights. “We take pride in understanding the unique requirements of each industry and application, so we can provide invaluable guidance on material selection for our clients. Our expertise in material properties and manufacturing techniques ensures that businesses can rely on us for well-informed advice and tailored spring solutions.”

Spring seals, valves, and actuators need to cope with different chemical environments, depending on their applications. Using different materials can yield varying results:

  • Stainless Steel: Ideal for applications requiring corrosion resistance and moderate to high strength.
  • Inconel®: Created for use in extreme temperature environments, such as cryogenic and high-temperature applications, commonly used in the chemical processing industry.
  • Monel®: Offers excellent corrosion resistance, particularly in marine applications or for chemical reducing processes
  • Hastelloy®: Ideal for highly corrosive environments, making them a good choice for extreme marine applications and chlorine atmospheres
  • Elgiloy® / Phynox®: A top choice within the chemical processing and oil & gas industries.  Highly recommended for applications where high strength and corrosion resistance are crucial
  • PEEK™: Suitable for applications requiring chemical resistance and / or non metallic properties.

In addition to corrosion resistance, which is a critical factor in chemical environments, other material considerations include:

  • Temperature range
  • Tensile and fatigue resistance
  • Weight and size constraints
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Magnetic properties
  • Electrical conductivity
  • Cost and availability

It’s clear that understanding the unique requirements of your industry and application is crucial for choosing the right material for the springs that go into your spring seals, valves and actuators.  Taking all of these factors into consideration, and seeking expert guidance, is key to ensuring that your parts will perform optimally in their specific environment.

Want some expert advice on material selection and tailored spring solutions for your unique applications. Contact Graham Fowler at Clifford Springs today

Tel No: 01527 62876