
TOMRA Mining’s advanced sorting...

TOMRA Mining’s advanced technology and unique experience in designing and installing large-scale ore-sorting...

AES: Clarifying boiler water...

Poor boiler water treatment is the primary cause of poor boiler performance, according...

IPR expands rapid response...

Leading dewatering pump solutions provider, IPR (Integrated Pump Rental) is taking a significant...

Eramet’s GCO mine and...

The €30 million (ZAR 600 million) solar and battery project will provide 20%...
HomeAVIATIONFatalities as Precision...

Fatalities as Precision ATR lands short and sinks in Lake Victoria

Tanzanian carrier Precision Air believes at least 19 fatalities resulted from an ATR 42-500 accident at Bukoba during which the turboprop came to rest submerged in Lake Victoria.

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TOMRA Mining’s advanced sorting technology used in the world’s largest lithium ore sorting plant at Pilbara Minerals’ Pilangoora Operation

TOMRA Mining’s advanced technology and unique experience in designing and installing large-scale ore-sorting plants were key to the successful completion of the world’s largest lithium sorting plant. The sorting installation, part of Pilbara Minerals’ P680 Expansion Project, has a...

AES: Clarifying boiler water treatment

Poor boiler water treatment is the primary cause of poor boiler performance, according to Chris Paterson, Managing Director of specialist operations and maintenance service provider to the steam and boiler sector, Associated Energy Services (AES). Not all water is created...

IPR expands rapid response dewatering services across southern Africa

Leading dewatering pump solutions provider, IPR (Integrated Pump Rental) is taking a significant step forward in its service offering following its acquisition by Atlas Copco’s Specialty Rental Division. With this strategic move, IPR is poised to bring the same...